Friday, November 13, 2009

Yin and Yang and the Peaceful Warrior

The warrior in me is waking up. I can no longer be a passive observer in the world. I have been overly yang (masculine, aggressive, hot) in my life, and also overly yin (feminine, passive, cold) at times. I think I'm finally striking a balance. Our world needs warriors right now. People who are willing and able to stand up a make a difference. There is more deception, illusion, and flat-out bullshit in the world right now than ever before. Can we let this continue? Can we let ourselves be duped and manipulated by corporations, religions, and other powers who consider us cattle? I'm not suggesting we start blowing up buildings or anything. But something drastic has to be done. I'm taking the stance of the peaceful warrior, combining yin and yang.
First we need to care enough to be educated about what is really going on. We are being literally poisoned, lied to, and manipulated in the most extreme ways every day.
Tell everyone! If you truly care about your fellow woman/man help touch them wake them up to reality!
Once you are awake, start taking your power back! Stop watching tv, stop eating processed food. Start growing your own food, harvesting wild food, and having a damn good time. In fact, have the best time ever!
Remember that as horrible and ridiculous the world is, it's also the most magical wonderful place ever dreamed up. Focus on the good and create more of that!
Eat lots of cacao!


  1. Oh yeah. Get off all plastic. Plastic is estrogenic and makes you dosile. Drink only spring water out of glass if your health and consciousness and your offspring are important to you :)

  2. And say no to fluoride. Fluoride decreases free will.

  3. sunwarrior...

    eat lots of cacao!?! and drink spring water out of glass!?! =)))

  4. And the beat goes on:
