Sunday, November 22, 2009

Chocolate Superfood Elixir - Jing-style

Hey kids. Here is a chocolate elixir recipe to tonify your jing (kidney, adrenal, reproductive energy). Good luck and let me know how it turns out.

1st make a tea with these ingredients:

1 big handful Prepared Rehmannia
1 handful prepared Ho Shou Wu (fo-ti)
1 handful Chinese Asparagus Root
1 handful Goji Berries
1 handful Schizandra Berries
1 pinch Licorice Root
a couple pinches of sea salt
1 liter of spring water

don't boil the water but bring it to a high heat for at least 45 min.
then add it to a blender and through in these ingredients:

2 tablespoons Hemp Seeds
1 tablespoon Coconut Oil
1 teaspoon Shilajit
1 dropperful Marine Phytoplankton
2 tablespoons Cacao Nibs
1 raw Vanilla Bean
2 tablespoons Yacon Syrup or Raw, Wild Honey
1 tablespoon Bee Pollen
1 tablespoon Maca (optional)
1-2 tablespoons Mesquite Powder (optional)
2-4 capsules Cordyceps Mushroom
a few pinches of Celtic Sea Salt

Blend and retain!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Raw Badass

I think we should all strive to be as awesome as this guy, Marcus Patrick. Last I heard he was literally 1 step away from being the world's fastest human.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Eskimo Bob

Hey everyone. Tomorrow I'm going to be on the Eskimo Bob Lives radio show. I'll be talking about the feminization of America, wild food, plant spirit medicine etc. Tune in at:


Check out this video of my friend Walker Traylor and Michael Mackintosh:

Friday, November 13, 2009

Yin and Yang and the Peaceful Warrior

The warrior in me is waking up. I can no longer be a passive observer in the world. I have been overly yang (masculine, aggressive, hot) in my life, and also overly yin (feminine, passive, cold) at times. I think I'm finally striking a balance. Our world needs warriors right now. People who are willing and able to stand up a make a difference. There is more deception, illusion, and flat-out bullshit in the world right now than ever before. Can we let this continue? Can we let ourselves be duped and manipulated by corporations, religions, and other powers who consider us cattle? I'm not suggesting we start blowing up buildings or anything. But something drastic has to be done. I'm taking the stance of the peaceful warrior, combining yin and yang.
First we need to care enough to be educated about what is really going on. We are being literally poisoned, lied to, and manipulated in the most extreme ways every day.
Tell everyone! If you truly care about your fellow woman/man help touch them wake them up to reality!
Once you are awake, start taking your power back! Stop watching tv, stop eating processed food. Start growing your own food, harvesting wild food, and having a damn good time. In fact, have the best time ever!
Remember that as horrible and ridiculous the world is, it's also the most magical wonderful place ever dreamed up. Focus on the good and create more of that!
Eat lots of cacao!

Welcome to my new blog!

Hey gals and guys! Welcome to my new blog! This is my new project where I will be educating and exploring the topics of nutrition, herbalism, shamanism, having the best day ever, and being a superhero in real life!

What is your favorite superhero and why?
Mine has always been Spider-Man. I love his agility and ability to contort and get around just about anywhere. Also he has geeky tech skills which can be handy.